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PDF : 43100882.pdf
title(En) :Antibacterial Activity of Hinokitiol against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) II. Applications to the disinfections of hospital environments
author(En) :Kouji Saito, Toshihiro Okabe, Toru Fukui, Yoshihiko Inamori
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 43(10), 882-891 (1997)
assort :Original Article
keywords :hinokitiol, MRSA, disinfection, antibacterial effect, nosocomial infection.
summary(En) :   To prevent nosocomial infection, we examined the use of hinokitiol sodium salt when cleaning. In addition to this sodium salt, we used povidoniodo. We found a tendency for the amount of viable methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) decrease as time has passed after temporarily increasing. We examined statistically the bactericidal action by using the floors of general wards with secreting MRSA patients in the entire country in 16 hospitals. We found disinfection to be statistically significant and effective at about 343 places, and effective at the same measurement points in 125 places. In addition, we examined long-term cleaning effects using hinokitiol sodium salt. As a result, we found the number of detected bacteria and the detection rates being improved to 10% or less before using in Hospital N. Moreover, we found after six months a sharp decrease in the number of detected bacteria in three months and an entering state which was almost zero in Hospital K.