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PDF : 42101006.pdf
title(En) :Efficient Extraction of Hinokitiol from the Wood of Hiba with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (in English)
author(En) :Tatsuro Ohira, Mitsuyoshi Yatagai, Yoshihiko Itoya, Shozo Nakamura
information :Mokuzai Gakkaishi 42(10), 1006-1012 (1996)
assort :Original Article
keywords :Thujopsis dolabrata, hinokitiol, supercritical fluid extraction.
summary(En) :   The contents of hinokitiol in the wood of Thujopsis dolabrata S. and Z. which grew in different areas were investigated. The difluoroborane compound of hinokitiol, which is a kind of chelate produced by the reaction of hinokitiol with boron trifluoride, was applicable to the micro-determination of hinokitiol by HPLC. The contents of hinokitiol were different among growing areas, especially the content of hinokitiol from the heartwood of T. dolabrata which grew in the Kanaki area which was the greatest among all the tested samples.
   The effective extraction procedures for hinokitiol from the wood of T. dolabrata were investigated by comparing hot-water distillation, organic solvent extraction, and supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SFE). When methanol was used as a solvent, the yield of hinokitiol in the extractives was the greatest; however, the relative yield of hinokitiol with supercritical carbon dioxide extraction was much greater than in the methanol extraction. No effective cosolvent for carbon dioxide for extracting hinokitiol was found with due consideration of the extractive characteristics such as residual toxity and great selectivity for extraction. Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction was considered to be the most effective method for extracting hinokitiol from the wood of T. dolabrata.